A step-by-step guide for performing CPR

by | Jan 21, 2024 | Certification and Training, CPR Techniques, Emergency Preparedness | 0 comments

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a vital skill that can mean the difference between life and death during emergencies. This step-by-step guide provides clear instructions on performing CPR on adults, empowering individuals to respond confidently in critical situations.

Step 1: Assess the Scene

Before approaching the individual, ensure the scene is safe for both you and the victim. Look for potential dangers such as traffic, fire, or electrical hazards.

Step 2: Check Responsiveness

Gently tap the victim and shout loudly, “Are you okay?” If there is no response, the person is unresponsive and requires immediate CPR.

Step 3: Call for Help

Call emergency services (911 or your local emergency number) or ask someone nearby to do so. Time is crucial in emergencies, and professional assistance is vital.

Step 4: Open the Airway

Place the person on their back on a firm surface. Tilt their head backward slightly to open the airway. Check for any obstructions in the mouth and remove them if present.

Step 5: Check for Breathing

Look, listen, and feel for breathing. If the person is not breathing or only gasping, it’s an indication to start CPR.

Step 6: Begin Chest Compressions

Position your hands on the center of the chest, just below the nipple line. Interlock your fingers and keep your arms straight. Use your upper body weight to perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Allow the chest to fully recoil between compressions.

Step 7: Provide Rescue Breaths

After 30 chest compressions, give two rescue breaths. Ensure an effective seal over the victim’s mouth and nose and deliver each breath over one second. Watch for chest rise with each breath.

Step 8: Continue CPR

Continue the cycle of 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths until emergency services arrive or the person shows signs of life. If you are alone, perform CPR for about two minutes before calling for help.

ByGrace CPR Compliance: Your Partner in CPR Training

At ByGrace CPR Compliance, we offer comprehensive CPR training programs, teaching individuals the essential steps of CPR and fostering confidence in life-saving response. Our hands-on courses ensure that you are well-prepared to act decisively in critical situations.

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